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Publicerad 1 januari 2009

Konkurrens, Uppdragsforskning, 2009:3

Object contra effect in Swedish and European competition law

The Swedish Competition Act (SCA) 6 § and EC Treaty Article 81(1) prohibits agreements, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices “which have as their object of effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition”. If an anti-competitive object is found, there is no need to assess effects under the SCA 6 § and Article 81(1).

This is the background to the Competition Authority’s commission to Professor Olav Kolstad,Institutt for privatrett, to analyze the concepts of ”object” and to develop a coherent and analytical tool for the assessment of object in individual cases under SCA 6 § and EC Treaty article 81(1). The result is presented in the report Object contra effect in Swedish and European competition law.

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